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BoostAI Academy Live session Roskilde municipality: Serving the people through voice

11.4.2024 klo 14:00 - 15:00

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Roskilde municipality: Serving the people through voice

BoostAI Academy The 11th April from 14.00-14.45 EET

Imagine that you have built a chatbot but that your users still prefer to pick up the phone and call your contact center when they need help. There are many ways to solve this, and sometimes it makes sense to explore the potential for automating interactions in other channels. That’s exactly what Roskilde municipality did!

When they took a closer look at the problem they discovered two reasons why citizens preferred contacting them on the phone:

  1. Old habits die hard, and some people just liked using the phone.
  2. Some citizens were struggling to navigate digital channels.

It quickly became clear that the best solution was to add voice to their existing virtual agent, but it needed to be done in the right way.

Join us in this live to hear more about the use case, the lessons learned by implementing voice, and how it impacted Roskilde municipality’s call center.


14:00 - 15:00
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